Read about FLOOD-CDT and its six themes.
Flooding is already the most destructive natural hazard that humanity faces with nearly two billion people exposed to its risk. Yet, flooding will become even more challenging due to climate change, and other factors.
We need to act now and come together to improve the way we manage the large and growing threat of flooding in the UK and elsewhere in the world.
The Centre for Doctoral Training for Resilient Flood Futures (FLOOD-CDT) will train the next generation of research practitioners who will make a tangible difference to future flood management in the UK and internationally. Our goal is to provide a nurturing and inspiring training environment to develop the independent future leaders we need who can translate research and innovation into practice.
The streets of Old Portsmouth flooding during the storms of 14–18 December 1989
(© Portsmouth City Council / East Solent Coastal Partnership)
FLOOD-CDT is a £6.5 million investment from the Natural Environment Research Council, the Environment Agency and the organisations involved. The CDT will provide at least 56 fully funded PhD studentships over four cohorts, with first entry starting in October 2024.
Read about FLOOD-CDT and its six themes.
FLOOD-CDT involves four universities, three research centres, and 40 external partners.
Information about our unique training programme.
View the list of currently advertised projects.
Find out what is needed in the application process.
Sign up for our newsletter: updates of events, application process. floodcdt@soton.ac.uk